Symptoms and Remedies of Tomato Deficiency

Symptoms and Remedies of Tomato Deficiency

During the growth and development of tomatoes, they need to absorb a variety of nutrient elements. When certain elements are deficient, they will show corresponding symptoms of deficiency in external form, which will have a certain impact on the yield and quality of tomatoes.

Symptom of Tomato Deficiency:
1. Nitrogen deficiency.
The plant grows slowly, the old leaves are yellow-green in the early stage, and the whole plant is light green in the later stage, with small and upright leaves. The veins changed from yellow-green to deep purple. The stem hardens. The fruit becomes smaller.

2. Phosphorus deficiency.
At the early stage, the back of leaves was purple-red, and brown spots appeared on the leaves. The leaves were stiff, and the tips were dark brown and dead. The veins gradually turned purple. Stem is slender and rich in fiber. Fruiting delays.

3. Potassium deficiency.
At the initial stage, black-brown spots with needle tip size appeared on the leaf margin, and black-brown spots appeared on the back stem.  The leaf margin curled. Root system is dysplasia. Young fruit is easy to fall off or deform.

4. Calcium deficiency.
The plant is thin and wilted, and the edge of the heart leaves is yellow and shriveled. In severe cases, the heart leaves die, and the middle leaves of the plant generate dark brown spots, and then the whole leaves roll up. It is very underdeveloped. Fruit is prone to navel rot and hollow fruit.

Remedy of Tomato Deficiency:
Nitrogen deficiency:
Ammonium bicarbonate or urea can be mixed into 10 ~ 15 times of decomposed organic fertilizer and applied to both sides of the plant, then covered with soil and watered, or 0.2% ammonium bicarbonate solution can be sprayed on the leaf surface.

Phosphorus deficiency:
Enough phosphate fertilizer should be applied during seedling raising and planting period, or 0.2% ~ 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be sprayed on leaves.

Potassium deficiency:
On the basis of applying more organic fertilizer and sufficient potassium fertilizer, potassium sulfate can be furrowed on both sides of the plant and covered with soil after application. It can also be sprayed with 0.2% ~ 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution or 1% plant ash lixivium.

Calcium deficiency:
Apply moderate ash, or spray 0.3% ~ 0.5% calcium chloride aqueous solution on the leaf surface during tomato growing period. Or when calcium deficiency is found, spray it with irrigation system once every 3 ~ 4 days for 2 ~ 3 times in total.
Plant growth requires a variety of nutrients, so it is necessary to apply fertilizer properly during planting, otherwise it will lead to a decline in crop yield.